With a population of about 375.000 Palma de Mallorca is the ninth-largest city in Spain.
01 Red coach 02 Cathedral of Palma La Seo 03 Cathedral of Palma La Seo 04 Cathedral of Palma La Seo 05 Cathedral of Palma La Seo
06 Cathedral of Palma La Seo 07 Cathedral of Palma La Seo 08 Cathedral of Palma La Seo 09 Cathedral of Palma La Seo 10 Coachman
11 Cathedral of Palma La Seo 12 Cathedral of Palma La Seo 13 Cathedral of Palma La Seo 14 House 15 Beach of Playa de Palma
16 House at the Playa de Palma
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