Serbia is a southern Slavic country on the Balkan peninsula, extending over the Pannonian plane in the north and the Balkan mountains in the south. It borders Bulgaria and Romania to the west, Macedonia and Montenegro to the south, Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia to the west and Hungary in the north. Serbia has an area of 88361 km² and a population of 7 million inhabitants. The capital of Serbia is Belgrade, a city of 1.2 million inhabitants.
Slavic people migrated to the current territory of Serbia after the 6th century and set up a number of kingdoms in the region. A Serbian empire formed, and reached the peak of tis power in 1346, but was later attacked and occupied by the Ottomans. Between the 16th century and the 19th century Serbia was first part of the Ottoman empire, later of the Habsburg empire. After that followed a brief period of independence, which laster until World War I. After World War I Serbia became part of Yugoslavia and then independent again after 1991. Nowadays Serbia is a relatively well-off country, currently applying for membership in the EU. The local currency is the Serbian dinar (RSD).
How to get to Serbia
Serbia is well connected with the European motorway and railway networks and can easily be reached by plane as well. The main airport is in Belgrade.
Accommodation options include hotels and pensions, all bookable via the international booking portals.
Belgrade photo gallery  - 87 pictures of Belgrade
87 photos of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia
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