The Dimitrie Gusti national village museum is a large open-air museum containing 272 historical farms, wooden churches and houses from various regions of Romania. It is located in the north of Bucharest, in the King Michael I park. It extends for about 500m from north to south. Many of the contained houses are wooden and some have reed roofs. The museum was set up in 1936.
01 Entrance 02 Oltenian house 03 Oltenian house 04 Oltenian houses 05 Oltenian houses
06 Oltenian houses 07 Stone sheep winter shed 08 Cellar with larder 09 Wooden rain shelter 10 Muntenian house
11 Turea wooden church 12 Stone house with reed roof 13 Turea wooden church 14 Turea wooden church 15 Turea cemetery
16 Turea wooden church 17 Turea wooden churchand cemetery 18 Hunedoara house 19 Church tower and Moldavian house 20 Moldavian reed roof house
21 Moldavian reed roof house 22 Moldavian reed roof house 23 Moldavian house 24 Moldavian house windows 25 Timiseni wooden church
26 Timiseni wooden church 27 Old wooden pit house 28 Pit house
29 Lippovan house 30 Path 31 Dragomiresti wooden church 32 Dragomiresti wooden church
33 Muntenian house
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