Several camps catering to tourists have been set up in the Wahiba desert. Typically these camps offer 1-3 days packages to tourists, which include the pickup by 4WD cars near Ibra, the Accommodation in tents, huts or buildings and other activities. Trips by 4WD car take place in the late afternoon on the sand dunes. The Wahiba desert receives a lot of humidity from the ocean, so that in certain spots vegetation grows.
01 Desert camp 02 Desert camp
03 4wd cars on sand dunes 04 4wd cars on sand dunes 05 4wd cars on sand dunes 06 4wd cars on sand dunes
07 Tire tracks on sand dune 08 Girl running on sand dune 09 Small girl on sand dune 10 4wd car on sand dunes
11 4wd cars on sand dunes 12 4wd car on sand dunes 13 Tourists walking on sand dunes 14 Plants on sand dune
15 Desert sunset 16 Panorama view of desert at sunset
17 Panorama view of desert at sunset 18 Panorama view of desert at sunset
19 Wahiba desert sunset 20 Desert sand 21 Wahiba desert sunset 22 Musicians in Arabic dress
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