The area of Al Balid in Salalah has been settled since prehistoric times, having been inhabited since the 4th millenium BC. The city was initially setup in the Islamic period and reestablished in 10th century during the Mujais dynasty. It served as a port trading with China, India, Yemen, east Africa, Iraq and Europe. Nowadays the archaeological site covers an area of 64 hectares and is open to the public. Escavations by teams of researchers are still ongoing. Together with other sites in Dhofar, Al Balid is one of the UNESCO world heritage sites in Oman.
01 City wall tower 02 Small mosque ruins 03 Al Balid archaeological site 04 Small mosque ruins
05 Al Balid ruins 06 Al Balid ruins 07 Al Balid archaeological site
08 Al Balid ruins 09 Al Balid ruins 10 Al Balid ruins 11 Al Balid ruins
12 Al Balid ruins 13 Al Balid archaeological site
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