The Dades valley lies to the south of the Atlas mountain range and due to the limited rainfall is a desertic and semidesertic area. Red is the dominant colour of the valley, due to the reddish mountains, rocks and stones in and around the valley. There are several oasis towns spread around the valley. The Todra gorge is particularly scenic, as the canyon narrows to a flat stony track wide as little as 10m wide in places with sheer and smooth rock walls up to 300m high on each side.
Landscapes and cities photo gallery  - 21 pictures of Landscapes and cities
Tinerhir photo gallery  - 18 pictures of Tinerhir
Todra gorge photo gallery  - 25 pictures of Todra gorge
21 photos of landscapes and cities in the Dades valley, a semi-desertic area to the southwest of the Atlas mountain range in southern Morocco
18 photos of Tinerhir, a city in the Draa valley in southern Morocco, the access point to the Todra gorge
25 photos of the spectacular Todra gorge in southern Morocco
Gallery with all images
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