When the Temenggor area was flooded, the local population of Orang Asli (indigenous tribes of Negrito people) was displaced and relocated to a number of villages. One of these villages, sort of a human zoo, is located on a peninsula and is visited every day by boatloads of tourists. Many of these tourists give snacks and other junk food to the kids. About 5600 Orang Asli of the Temiar, Jahai and Kinchu tribes live in the Belum-Temenggor forest.
01 Orang asli village 02 Orang asli village 03 Village huts
04 Wooden huts 05 Orang asli kids 06 Small girl 07 Wooden huts
08 Wooden hut 09 Orang asli family
10 Village square
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©Copyright Alfred Molon