The Kubah national park lies 20km west of Kuching around a sandstone plateau which includes three small mountains (Serapi, Selang and Sendok) with a max. height of 450m. The park consists mainly of rainforest and is home to a large number of palm types. 95 different species have been found here, making it one of the richest sites for palms in the world. A number of easily walkable trails criss-cross the park; the longest can be easily done in half a day. The park contains a number of waterfalls, of which one can be accessed by a trail. The Kubah national park was gazetted in 1989 and opened to the public in 1995.
01 Road 02 Rayu trail 03 Trees 04 Trees 05 Palm
06 Palm 07 Palm 08 Waterfall
09 Waterfall 10 Small stream 11 Rainforest trail 12 Rainforest trail 13 Dipterocarp tree roots
14 Palm 15 Palm 16 Palm 17 Dipterocarp tree 18 Rainforest trail 19 Rainforest trail
20 Dryobalanops beccarii dipterocarp tree 21 Road
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