Oil palms are widely cultivated everywhere in Malaysia for the oil obtained from their fruits. Oil palms grow easily in the tropical climate of Malaysia and have a high productivity, with 7250 litres of oil per hectare per year. In 1995 Malaysia produced 51% of the world's palm oil. The downside is that large tracts of virgin forest have been converted to palm oil monocultures, with a negative impact on biodiversity and animal life.
01 Oil palm plantation 02 Oil palm plantation 03 Oil palms 04 Oil palms
05 Oil palms 06 Oil palms 07 Oil palms 08 Oil palms 09 Oil palms
10 Oil palms 11 Oil palms 12 Oil palms 13 Oil palm plantation
14 Oil palm plantation 15 Oil palm plantation 16 Oil palm plantation 17 Oil palm plantation 18 Oil palm plantation
19 Oil palm plantation 20 Oil palm plantation 21 Young oil palms 22 Oil palm nursery 23 Oil palm nursery
24 Oil palm fruit clusters 25 Oil palm fruit 26 Oil palm fruit clusters 27 Oil palm fruit clusters 28 Oil palm fruit clusters
29 Oil palm fruit clusters 30 Oil palm fruit cluster 31 Oil palm fruit clusters 32 Oil palm fruit cluster
33 Truck carrying oil palm fruit clusters 34 Truck carrying oil palm fruit clusters and plantation worker 35 Truck carrying oil palm fruit clusters and plantation worker 36 Truck carrying oil palm fruit clusters and plantation worker
37 Truck carrying oil palm fruit clusters
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