Currently there are three or four resorts on Pulau Mantanani Besar and none on the other, smaller Mantanani islands. The overpriced Mari Mari Mantanani backpacker lodge is located at the centre of the southern coast. A very basic bungalow costs RM 190 with single supplement (breakfast not included). It contains two mattesses, each with a blanket, and a fan (no A/C). Electric power is available only between 6:30pm and 6am. The shared bathroom comes with a very basic shower (a pipe without nozzle and only cold water). There are no mosquito nets in the room. A few bungalows with attached bathroom are available for a surcharge. Palm Beach seems to have a resort as well, and a higher end resort is currently under construction at the eastern end of the island. Finally, on the northern side of Mantanani Besar there is the Bembaran beach resort.
01 Mari Mari Mantanani backpacker lodge 02 Mari Mari Mantanani backpacker lodge 03 Mari Mari Mantanani backpacker lodge 04 Palm beach resort
05 Palm beach resort 06 New resort beach 07 Jetty 08 New resort beach
09 New resort beach 10 New resort bungalows 11 New resort bungalows 12 Bembaran beach resort
13 Bembaran beach resort
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