In the north of Laos the Mekong river is wide and carries enough water for fluvial transportation, even during the dry season. The Mekong is an important waterway in the mountainous Luang Prabang province.
01 Tourist boat 02 Riverbank and trees 03 Riverbank and trees 04 Riverbank and trees 05 Tourist boat
06 Riverbank and trees 07 Riverbank and trees 08 Banana trees 09 Panorama view 10 Fishing boat
11 Panorama view 12 Panorama view 13 Tourist boat 14 Tourist boats
15 Panorama view 16 Riverbank and trees 17 Houses on stilts along riverbank 18 Houses on stilts along riverbank
19 Tourist boats 20 Panorama view 21 Tourist boats 22 Palm trees and river
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