The Abbasi hotel lies on a side street of the Chaharbagh avenue. It is one of the most highly rated hotels in Isfahan. The structure was originally built during the reign of Sultan Hossein of Safavid about 300 years ago as a caravansary to provide lodging for passengers. The complex was then renovated in the 1950s and converted into a hotel. The entrance hall is breathtaking, with walls covered with impressive Persian style decorations. The inner court has a beautiful garden and is well suited for dining outdoors in the evening.
01 Abbasi hotel 02 Inner court with garden 03 Inner court with garden 04 Tagetes flowers
05 Water pool and building facade with iwans 06 Tea house area 07 Iwan balcony 08 Fountain at night 09 Fountain at night 10 Abbasi hotel at night
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