Karnataka, originally known as the State of Mysore is a state in southern India bordering the Arabian sea and the Indian states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Covering an ara of 191,976 km² it consists mainly of elevated territory (hills and highlands) with only a narrow coastal strip in the west. The climate is mostly tropical with heavy rainfall on the coastal strip, although the northern part of Karnataka is mostly arid and the eastern part has a mild temperate climate. Karnataka has been settled since prehistoric times and is today overwhelmingly Hindu. Its total population is in excess of 52 million inhabitants, 65% of whom speak Kannada, the official language of the state. The capital of Karnataka is the city Bangalore. Karnataka is one of the economically more progressive states of India and has the sixth highest per-capita GDP of all Indian states. Karnatake leads India in the fields of information technology and biotech.
117 photos of Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka and a major hub for the IT and biotech industry
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