Pécs (Fünfkirchen in German) is a city in southern Hungary, located about 30km north of the border to Croatia. It has an interesting historic core, with a number of buildings including some from the Ottoman period (1526-1686). Pécs has 145000 inhabitants.
The area around Pécs has been settled since prehistoric times. The Romans founded the city of Sopianae at the beginning of the 2nd century AD. With the fall of the Roman empire the city passed to the Avars and in the 10th century to the Hungarians. Between 1526 and 1686 Pécs was under Ottoman rule.
The historic core of Pécs is centered around Széchenyi square, a large rectangular square where the Mosque of Pasha Qasim is located. The cathedral of St Peter und Paul dates back to the 4th century, but was reconstructed after the great fire of 1064. The necropolis of Sopianae is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Everywhere in the centre there are Neoclassical style buildings from the 19th and 20th centuries.
How to get to Pécs
Pécs has an airport which is not in operation and a train station. It can also be reached by car (two hours from Budapest).
There are a number of hotels and pensions, most of them bookable via the international booking portals.
01 Pecs diocese building 02 Pecs diocese building 03 Diocese building 04 Cathedral square
05 Cathedral square 06 Pecs diocese building 07 Diocese building 08 Love padlocks
09 Love padlocks 10 Mosque of Pasha Qasim 11 Hotel Nador 12 County hall of Baranya 13 Mosque of Pasha Qasim
14 Szechenyi square 15 Szechenyi square
16 Building on Kossuth square 17 Irgalmasok pedestrian area 18 St Sebastian church 19 St Sebastian church 20 County hall of Baranya
21 Synagogue 22 Government office on Kossuth square 23 Neoclassical building 24 Neoclassical building
25 Mayor office 26 Mayor office 27 Holy Trinity statue 28 Szechenyi square
29 County hall of Baranya 30 Szechenyi square 31 Court of Pecs
32 Court of Pecs 33 Szechenyi square behind mosque 34 Cathedral square
35 St Peter und Paul cathedral 36 St Peter und Paul cathedral 37 St Peter und Paul cathedral 38 St Peter und Paul cathedral 39 Pecs diocese building
40 Cathedral square 41 Cathedral square 42 Trees on cathedral square
43 St Peter und Paul cathedral 44 Trees 45 Mosque of Pasha Qasim 46 Mayor office tower 47 Szechenyi square
48 Holy Trinity statue 49 Mosque of Pasha Qasim 50 Mosque of Pasha Qasim 51 Mayor office tower 52 St Sebastian church 53 Mayor office
54 Neoclassical building 55 Szechenyi square
56 Szechenyi square 57 Neoclassical building 58 Neoclassical building
59 Synagogue 60 Konzum department store
61 Konzum department store 62 Konzum department store 63 Synagogue
64 Synagogue 65 Arkad shopping mall 66 Bajcsy-Zsilinszky street 67 Bajcsy-Zsilinszky street
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