Central Hamburg lies at the confluence of the rivers Alster and Bille into the Elbe river, around the Binnenalster and Außenalster, both formed by damming the Alster to create lakes. As such, the centre of Hamburg is crossed by a number of canals and waterways. The area is very scenic with several historic buildings and buildings in Hamburg's characteristic northern-German red-brick architecture. Many of these buildings were reconstructed after the destruction of World War II.
01 Central train station 02 Alte Oberpostdirektion 03 Corner building 04 Colonnaden pedestrian area 05 Colonnade
06 Europa Passage shopping mall 07 St Petri church 08 Ballindamm street 09 Yellow house facade 10 Window decorations 11 Casino Esplanade
12 Casino Esplanade 13 Brick wall building 14 Hamburg skyline 15 St Catherine church
16 Town hall and St Petri and Jacobi churches 17 St Petri and St Jacobi churches
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