The castle of Azay le Rideau was built between 1515 and 1527 on the site of an earlier medieval castle, on an island in the middle of the Indre river. It is a relatively small castle with an L-shape and towers with conical spires at each corner. The castle lies in a beautiful and very charming setting, with very scenic reflections on the Indre river. The interior rooms are richly decorated and have furniture and tapestries hanging from the walls.
01 Tree lined path to castle 02 Main entrance and tourists 03 Azay le Rideau castle 04 Towers with conical spires 05 Towers with conical spires
06 Azay le Rideau castle 07 Facade with windows 08 Castle wing and bridge 09 Inner court 10 Inner court
11 Window 12 Tower with conical spire 13 Side view with towers 14 Azay le Rideau castle reflecting in Indre river 15 Azay le Rideau castle reflecting in Indre river 16 Azay le Rideau castle reflecting in Indre river
17 Roof detail with windows 18 Azay le Rideau castle reflecting in Indre river 19 Azay le Rideau castle reflecting in Indre river 20 Castle facade with windows
21 Azay le Rideau castle and Indre river 22 Castle park 23 Castle park
24 Azay le Rideau castle reflecting in Indre river 25 Roof detail 26 Castle room with paintings 27 Tapestries hanging on the wall 28 Window
29 Castle room 30 Arched roof 31 Chairs and sofa 32 Kitchen with arched roof 33 Fireplace
34 Restaurant with garden
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