Compared to the south, the northern part of Nicosia is less clean and modern and many buildings are in a very poor state. On the other hand, north Nicosia has more historical buildings and tourist attractions then the south. North Nicosia is the capital of Northern Cyprus and it's largest city, even though the population is quite small (61000/82000 city/metropolitan). Interesting buildings and sights include the Supreme court building, the Venetian column, the Büyük Han caravanserai and a number of churches and mosques (such as for instance the Selimiye mosque).
01 Supreme court building 02 Old men having coffee 03 Supreme court building
04 Venetian coat of arms 05 Venetian column 06 Asmaalti cafe 07 Buyuk Han entrance 08 Buyuk Han masjid 09 Buyuk Han
10 Buyuk Han 11 Buyuk Han inner court 12 Buyuk Han colonnade 13 Arch
14 Medieval lapidary museum 15 Church of St Catherine 16 Church of St Catherine 17 Church of St Catherine 18 Buyuk Han
19 Buyuk Han 20 Buyuk Han 21 American university 22 Arabahmet culture and arts centre 23 Armenian church 24 Armenian church
25 Armenian church roof 26 Armenian church 27 Armenian church clock tower 28 Gate 29 Zahra street 30 Cat
31 Zahra street 32 Kelebek restaurant 33 Selimiye mosque 34 Selimiye mosque 35 Selimiye mosque
36 Bedestan 37 Selimiye mosque 38 Selimiye mosque 39 Selimiye mosque 40 North south Nicosia border 41 Slippers
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