Varazdin (Varaždin in Croatian) is a small city of 48000 inhabitants located in the plains of northern Croatia, about 80km northeast of Zagreb. Varazdin was founded as a Hungarian-Croatian city at the end of the 12th century. During the Ottoman threat the city was fortified; it later became the cultural, political and commercial centre of Croatia. Between 1756 and 1776 Varazdin was the capital of Croatia. After the fire of 1776 Varazdin was reconstructed in Baroque style.
Nowadays Varazdin is a picturesque city with a beautiful historic core built in Baroque style. The castle has white walls and was built in the 15th century. It is surrounded by a park.
How to get to Varazdin
Varazdin can be reached by car or bus. It also has a train station with trains to Zagreb.
There are a handful of hotels and several pensions, B&Bs and apartments, most bookable through the international booking portals.
01 Ivana Gundulica street 02 Ivana Gundulica street 03 Ivana Gundulica street 04 City hall square
05 City hall square 06 City hall square 07 City hall
08 Croatian national theatre 09 Pedestrian area 10 St Nicholas church 11 Ivana Gundulica street 12 Kranjceviceva street
13 Old building in Uska street 14 Cafes on Miljenko Stancic square 15 Cafes on Miljenko Stancic square 16 Cafes on Miljenko Stancic square
17 Cafes on Miljenko Stancic square 18 Cafe tables 19 Sermage palace 20 Miljenko Stancic square and Sermage palace
21 Bakaceva square 22 Castle 23 Varazdin castle
24 Castle park 25 Castle park
26 Castle 27 St Floriana church tower 28 Castle 29 Castle
30 Castle park 31 Church towers 32 Church towers 33 Street in Varazdin 34 Uska street 35 Uska street
36 Hotel Istra 37 City hall 38 City hall square 39 Drashkovic palace 40 Cathedral
41 Cathedral interior 42 Cathedral door 43 St Nicholas church
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