Kashgar (also spelled Cascar or Kashi in Chinese) is an oasis city in the western part of China's Xinjiang province. It has around 200000 inhabitants and is home to a substantial Uighur Muslim community. Kashgar retains a small old town, but nowadays the modern part of Kashgar is by far bigger. It has a big Sunday market, which unfortunately is not as spectacular as it probably way years ago. Nowadays Kashgar is a major tourist centre.
01 Pavement and buildings 02 Pavement and shops 03 Bank of China building and red lanterns
04 People square with Mao statue 05 Statue of Mao Zedong 06 Renmin Donglu street 07 Street and bus
08 Green bus 09 Street and lamppost 10 Grapes seller and cart 11 Grapes seller and cart 12 Renmin Donglu street and buildings
13 Id Kah square 14 Modern building 15 Green taxis 16 Street and taxis
17 Street and taxis 18 Main street 19 Parked motorbikes 20 China Mobile shop and people
21 China Southern plane in airport 22 Airport at sunset 01 Ihlas mall 02 Bicycle cart
03 Ihlas mall 04 Id Kah square 05 Minaret tower 06 Minaret tower
07 Id Kah mosque and square 08 Id Kah mosque 09 Minaret of Id Kah mosque 10 Side view of Id Kah mosque 11 Mosque prayer hall and carpets
12 Mosque prayer hall and carpets 13 Nuts, raisins and dried fruits 14 Nuts, raisins and dried fruits 15 Green raisins 16 Old Uighur man sitting
17 Old Uighur men sitting and talking 18 Flat bread and bagels 19 Alley and shops 20 Alley and walls 21 Chinese food stall and vendor 01 Butcher stall
02 Meat hanging in the air 03 Uighur barber shaving customer 04 Uighur barbers at work 05 Man grinding an axe 06 Uighur bagels for sale 07 Uncooked bagels
08 Oven 09 Oven and bread 10 Freshly baked bread 11 Freshly baked bread 01 Cattle
02 Calves 03 Man and cow 04 Cattle 05 Uighur men talking 06 Cattle being unloaded from a truck
07 Sheep 08 Horse cart 09 Old Kyrgyz man 10 Uighur men 11 Uighur men
12 Uighur men and cattle 01 Market hall 02 Uighur men 03 Street 04 Street and shoppers
05 Clothes vendor 06 Toiletries vendor and customer 07 Dried peppers and food 08 Ironmonger shop 09 Ironmonger shop
01 Green and red chilli peppers 02 Vegetables vendor 03 Cart with carrots 04 Salad vendor 05 Water melons
06 Water melons 07 Vegetables vendor 08 Donkey cart with vegetables 09 Vegetables vendor
10 Market street 11 Vegetables vendor 12 Vegetables vendor 13 Onions 14 Vegetables vendor
15 Vegetables vendor 16 Men selling garlic 17 Men selling garlic
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