The ancient city of Jiaohe, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, lies in the Yarnaz Valley, 10 kilometers west of Turpan. Except for some ruins not much is left of this city with a history of 2300 years. Jiaohe, the capital of the former Cheshi state, is the largest, oldest and best-preserved earthen city in the world. It is 1650 metres long and 300 metres wide. The city was finally abandoned at the beginning of the 14th century.
01 Eastern entrance and staircase 02 Alley 03 Wall ruins 04 Cave dwelling 05 Ruins
06 Panoramic view of ruins 07 Panoramic view of ruins
08 Panoramic view of ruins 09 Panoramic view of ruins 10 Ruins
11 Cave 12 Ruins 13 House ruin 14 House ruin
15 Ruins 16 Walls ruin 17 Main building ruin 18 View of valley with river
19 Small northwest monastery 20 Ruins 21 Ruins 22 Ruins
23 Gate 24 Ruins 25 Main stupa 26 Stupa forest
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