Xinjiang is an autonomous region in the west of China, with vast deserts and arid plains stretching over almost 2000km before ending at the foot of very high mountain ranges. "Xinjiang" means "New Frontier", a name given to it during the Manchu Qing Dynasty in China. It is home to a number of Turkic ethnic groups, the largest of which are the Uighurs. The capital of Xinjiang is the city of Urumqi (Wulumuqi in Chinese). Kashgar (Kashi in Chinese) is a major tourist attraction in the west of Xinjiang.
Urumqi photo gallery  - 78 pictures of Urumqi
Scenery between Urumqi and Turpan photo gallery  - 13 pictures of Scenery between Urumqi and Turpan
Turpan photo gallery  - 64 pictures of Turpan
The ancient city of Jiaohe photo gallery  - 26 pictures of The ancient city of Jiaohe
Kashgar photo gallery  - 92 pictures of Kashgar
78 photos of Urumqi, the capital of the Xinjiang province
13 photos of the scenery between Urumqi and Turpan, mainly consisting of flat desertic areas and dry hills
64 photos of the oasis town of Turpan, lying 150km south of Urumqi
26 photos of the ancient city of Jiaohe, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
92 photos of Kashgar, the starting point of the Karakoram highway and last major centre before the Chinese border
Karakoram highway photo gallery  - 123 pictures of Karakoram highway
123 photos of the Karakoram highway with the Karakul lake, the Kongur Tagh and Muztagh Ata mountains, the Khunjerab pass and breathtaking mountain scenery
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©Copyright Alfred Molon