The Youhao friendship square on Zhongshan road has at its centre a glass sphere which at night is illuminated with coloured lights. Renmin Guangchang (People's square), once known as Stalin square, is a huge Stalinist-style square surrounded by government buildings and a park. Laodong Gongyuan is a big park south of Zhongshan road with a nice view of Dalian and a bizarre soccer ball monument.
01 Youhao friendship square and sphere 02 Youhao friendship square and sphere 03 Government building - Renmin People square 04 Government building - Renmin People square
05 Renmin People square panorama 06 White building and fountain - People square 07 Swan emblems 08 Subway
09 Subway and shops 10 Avenue and orange skyscraper 11 People boarding orange bus 12 Orange bus 13 Laodong park and TV tower
14 Laodong park and TV tower 15 Green mailbox 16 Chinese red lanterns
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