Wieliczka salt mine photo gallery  - 16 pictures of Wieliczka salt mine
Cesky Krumlov photo gallery  - 28 pictures of Cesky Krumlov
Kromeriz photo gallery  - 36 pictures of Kromeriz
16 photos of the Wieliczka salt mine in southern Poland, a UNESCO world heritage site since 1978
28 photos of the picturesque city of Cesky Krumlov in the southwest of the Czech republic
36 photos of Kromeriz, a city in southeast Czechia, famous for its bishop's castle and flower gardens
Olomouc photo gallery  - 16 pictures of Olomouc
Siracusa photo gallery  - 50 pictures of Siracusa
Agrigento temples photo gallery  - 38 pictures of Agrigento temples
Modica photo gallery  - 22 pictures of Modica
16 photos of the city of Olomouc in eastern Czechia famous for its Holy Trinity Column
50 photos of Siracusa on the coast of southwestern Sicily, the most important Magna Grecia city in ancient times
38 photos of the Valley of the Temples near Agrigento, one of the most significant archaeological sites of ancient Greece
22 photos of Modica, one of the Sicilian baroque towns famous for its impressive architecture
Abu Simbel photo gallery  - 74 pictures of Abu Simbel
Hili archaeological park photo gallery  - 19 pictures of Hili archaeological park
74 photos of the temples of Abu Simbel in southern Egypt
19 photos of the Hili archaeological park, a UNESCO world heritage site dating back to the the 3rd millennium BC
Kronborg castle photo gallery  - 18 pictures of Kronborg castle
Amsterdam photo gallery  - 72 pictures of Amsterdam
Stralsund photo gallery  - 62 pictures of Stralsund
Königsstuhl photo gallery  - 12 pictures of Königsstuhl
Lübeck photo gallery  - 32 pictures of Lübeck
18 photos of the Kronborg castle, a renessaince fortress in Denmark
72 photos of Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands and its largest city
62 photos of Stralsund, a Hanseatic League city on Germany's Baltic Sea coast
12 photos of the Königsstuhl, a tall white chalk cliff in the Jasmund national park in Rügen
32 photos of Lübeck, a German city along the Baltic sea coast and former Hanseatic League city
Shushtar photo gallery  - 18 pictures of Shushtar
Fin garden photo gallery  - 9 pictures of Fin garden
Shah mosque photo gallery  - 16 pictures of Shah mosque
Naqshejahan square photo gallery  - 18 pictures of Naqshejahan square
18 photos of Shuhstar, a city in Iran with an historical hydraulic irrigation system
9 photos of the Fin garden in Kashan, a pleasant Persian style garden and a UNESCO world heritage site
16 photos of the Shah mosque, at the southern end of the Naqshejahan square
18 photos of the Naqshejahan square in central Isfahan, the second largest square in the world
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