The National Museum of Indonesia is located near Merdeka square. It is the best of its kind in Indonesia and one of the finest in Southest Asia. The museum hosts a large number of Indonesian artifacts from all historical periods, including a large number of sculptures and stone artifacts from the Hindu and Buddhist periods and objects of the various ethnic groups in Indonesia. The museum was initially set up in 1862 by the Royal Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences. On the first floor of the museum there are treasure rooms with items made of gold and other precious materials.
01 Elephant god statue 02 Statue 03 Statue of god Brahma 04 Statue of warrior 05 Animal head statue 06 Head of statue
07 Statue 08 Ganesha elephant god 09 Head of statue 10 Statue of warrior 11 Bas-relief with inscription 12 Head of statue with skulls
13 Face with big eyes 14 Statue of god Brahma 15 Statue of man 16 Decorated wooden canoe 17 Xylophone musical instrument
18 Buto Ijo mask 19 Leaf-shaped plate 20 Totem pole 21 Wooden shield 22 Wooden statue of ancestor 23 Barong and Rangda musical instruments 24 Aswatama puppet
25 Mask with beard 26 Head of statue of god Vishnu 27 Golden statue of Siwa 28 Golden bas-relief of god 29 Golden statue of couple
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